Saturday, October 22, 2005

State Terrorism (The Cowardly Act)

"This government is more terrorist than the Maoists."

Bhupati Dhakal, the chairperson of the Nepal Professors Association reportedly said in the mass meeting of the journalists. When I heard it from somebody I thought its a little exaggeration. But Friday night, the government proved he was more than right.

More than three dozens policemen, armed and uniformed, who came in three police vans at midnight forcefully entered the building of Kantipur FM, the most popular private radio station broadcasting in Kathmandu and Eastern region of Nepal, and 'looted' all the equipment necessary to uplink the broadcasting to eastern region.

Around 24 hours have already been passed but there have been no words from the government about it. All the political parties and professional associations have condemned the act as 'dacoit' and 'naked terror'. But when the state who is supposed to protect from such things turns into evil, who will listen?

If you call anything going in Nepal a drama, this piece of chapter would be called The Cowardly Act. Friday afternoon, government officials asked the FM to delink its broadcasting which the FM refused with a perfectly legal point that they have all the documents provided by the government to do so and wouldn't do it unless there is a formal directives from the ministry.

The officials waited five hours for the outcome of the meeting that was supposedly being held in ministry. At the end, they went with a letter from FM stating that 'they had come.'

Four hours later, when the city was sleeping, the policemen came with the two engineers who had inspected the facility during the day, and took away all the equipment – a day before the seventh anniversary of the radio station.

King Gyanendra's men are now at the lowest level of wrongdoings attacking press in such a way that hasn't been seen in the history. O sad, I don't know where my country is heading and what more terror we have to face.


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